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P2WPKH stands for "Pay to Witness Public Key Hash". It's a native Segwit version of a P2PKH (Pay to Public Key Hash) which securing Bitcoins to a hash of recipient's public key (address).

Compared to now mostly deprecated P2PKH, P2WPKH is more efficient and requires less data to be stored on the Bitcoin blockchain. It's part of an upgrade called Segregated Witness (or SegWit). In P2WPKH transactions, the witness data (like the digital signature) is separated (or 'segregated') from the main part of the transaction. This makes transactions smaller in size, which means more transactions can fit into a single block on the blockchain, improving the network's capacity as well as fixies a malleability issue.


Transaction malleability is an issue where it's possible for someone to make small modifications to a transaction that don't affect its essence (i.e., sender, receiver, amount of Bitcoins transferred) but change the transaction's ID. This could cause confusion and problems with the tracking and confirmation of transactions.

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